Ettrick Forest Riders Association
WINTER LEAGUE DRESSAGE - all the tests for the season are here
Please note the new tests for 2024 are being used - they can be bought here
ENTRIES OPEN ON 14 JAN for our final competition (3 of 3) on February 2nd 2025
Contact Nikki Hackett Reed if you can help
Please read parking instructions etc
POSTPONED to Feb 9th 2025 at Dryden as entries insufficient to run
NEW TRAINING DATES FOR 2025 have been added to the Calendar page.
We have tried to cover most disciplines with different trainers. Application information will be online before each event.
TRAINING at Timpendean - contact Anne Millar for a space
New dates on calendar page
COMPETITION DATES for 2024 are now on the competitions page.
Training for EFRA members
If there is enough interest Anne Millar will continue with Tuesday evening classes at 6.30pm
names to her by the Monday.
Thursday morning classes will continue at 11am. Names by the Wednesday please.
G23.1.1: Whips The use of the whip must be for an appropriate reason, at an appropriate time, on the correct area of the horse and with the appropriate level of response.
Appropriate Reason: The whip must only be used as an aid to support the natural aids in encouraging the pony/horse forward, or to help the rider to encourage the pony/ horse in the right direction. For example, it may be used down the shoulder to keep a horse straight on the approach to a fence. It must never be used to vent a rider’s temper; any use for such a reason is automatically excessive.
Appropriate Time: As an aid, the appropriate time is when the pony/horse is reluctant to go forward under natural aids i.e. seat and legs. Its use, for instance, after a refusal when a pony/horse has turned away, is excessive. Its use after elimination is excessive.
Right area of the horse: As an aid to go forward the whip may be used down the shoulder or behind the rider’s leg. The use of a whip on a pony’s/ horse’s head or neck is always excessive use.
Appropriate Level of Response: the whip should never be used more than three times during any incident; and if the pony/horse is marked by the whip (skin broken or a welt) its use is excessive. (The rider is expected to know if the pony/horse has sensitive skin and must use the whip accordingly). The arm should never be raised above the shoulder whilst using the whip. The whip should always be carried and used in the backhand (handle pointed upwards) position and never in the forehand position (handle pointed downwards).
Misuse of a whip: If, in the opinion of the judge/official, a whip is misused/overused the rider may face up to 25 penalties or disqualification at the discretion of the Official Steward.
Hat & Body Protector Standards for 2023
In order to ensure riders are wearing the most up to date riding hats, please note that from the 1st January 2023, the following hat standards will no longer be accepted, due to the age of hats made to these standards:
1. PAS O15 1998 2. SNELL2001
To manage this change, a new colour of hat tag will be required for all BE, PC and BRC activities from 1st January 2023.
Link to new Body Protector Standards
How to find EFRA events on Horsemonkey - just enter EFRA (doesn't have to be capitals) in the search box and click on 'search' all our events that are open for entries should appear.
Club Training
Club classes, Tuesday nights 6.30pm and Thursdays at 11am with Anne. Please contact her directly on 07801577600.
Cost if 1 or 2 £15 if more £10
Fiona Busby is willing to teach at Cavers and Dryden on Tuesday mornings, please contact Fiona directly on 01387 380551/07974 550010
BRC Handbook 2024
Can be downloaded from the BRC Website - Click here for link